There are 3 main ways to become a guest on a podcast:
- Being invited to one.
- Reaching out to podcasts.
- Using a podcast booking agency
In this guide, I am going to focus on #2: reaching out to podcasts as that is something that you can start today and have the most control over.
Why do you want to be a guest on a podcast?
The 1st question is “why do you want to be a guest on a podcast”? Is it to promote your products and services? Is it to promote yourself, your brand, become a thought leader in your area of expertise or get social proof?
The 2nd question is “what do you want to talk about on a podcast”? What topics are you on expert on? What topics interests you?
Knowing the why and what will make it easier for you to find the right podcasts and pitch yourself as a guest.
In this guide, I’m going to give you the step by step instructions on how you can find the right podcast and how to pitch yourself as a guest on that podcast.
I’ll be using Podseeker as that will save a lot of time. If you do not have an active account, you can try it for free.
I am going to walk you through how I did it myself. Let’s answer my two questions: my whys and my whats.
My Whys and My Whats
My why?
- To promote Podseeker
- To build my network
- To have fun
My what (topics to discuss)?
- Entrepreneurship
- Running a SaaS (software as a service) company
- Marketing an online software company
Searching for niche podcasts
To start, I go to Podseeker and search for “SaaS”. SaaS is a great keyword to use because it’s known in my industry. SaaS, known as software as a service, is when an online software solution charges customers a monthly or annual subscription to use the software. If I use broad keywords such as “entreprenurship” or “marketing”, or “business”, the results will be too general. You may see results for the more popular podcasts that are more mainstream and harder to become a guest on.
Next, I filter the results by “Has guest” since I only want to focus on podcasts that has guests on. I also filter for podcasts that published an episode in the last month. I select “<1M”. Finally, I filter by “< 100” listeners since I’m green in the podcasting industry and I can build my network by connecting with smaller podcasts first.

The results looks good. The first several results such as “SaaS Half Full” and“SaaS Backwards” are all podcasts that fits my target. I’m going to add them to a list and continue with my search. I click on the checkbox at the top and click “Add to new list”, call it “SaaS” and click “Add”. Boom! Now I have a list of podcasts as my outreach target.
I’m also going for listeners between “100 - 500” so I uncheck the “< 100” and select “100 - 500” and add those to my "SaaS" lists too.
You can also filter podcasts that "Has email" and if there are podcasts without emails, Podseeker offers a concierge service and we will try to get the email contacts for you.
Reaching out to podcasts
Now that I have a good starting point, I can start doing outreach to these podcasts. Inside Podseeker, I click on “Lists” and click on my “SaaS” list. Podseeker makes it easy to pitch because the contact email appears next to each podcast.

Podseeker has some battle tested pitch templates that you can use by clicking here. I picked the first pitch because I listen to these podcasts and can share my thoughts with the hosts as I pitch. I open up my email editor, copy and paste their email, adjust the template with my why and my what, adjust it to fit my tone, and click send.
That’s it! Now, I can pitch to the next Podcast.
Export podcast lists to CRM for mass email
If you’re using a CRM or another tool to send emails, you can export your podcast lists as a CSV and upload it to fit your workflow. Please be mindful to not spam. Make sure that the podcasts you’re pitching to is relevant and mutually beneficial.
Finally, at Podseeker, we’re always thinking about we can improve the booking experience between podcast hosts and guests so stay tuned for more features. If you have any feedback, you can reach out to us at
Happy guesting!
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